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We'll work together on a journey to your self-discovery and mastery through


What happens when  you truly put yourself first?

Would your relationships with everyone change?

Your workplace?

Love life?

Most importantly,
how would you feel?

Certified and trained in through the NLP Center of New York and as a Satir Method Therapist, I can help you stay curious, expand your mental consciousness and rid yourself of the limitations that might be detrimental in accomplishing the goals and lifestyle you intend to live.

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A hero’s journey is simultaneously about living your gifts and healing your wounds. Your power and your fullness are in both of these energies. Those two things will be there as major influences in your intimate relationships, your professional life, your health and your development as a person.
— The Hero’s Journey


Qi (life source energy)
Therapy allows me to aid in
clearing, moving, and
balancing your Qi to help from
emotional or physical ailments.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of the disease.
— Thomas A. Edison

It is non-evasive and very relaxing as if you have just finished a nice luxurious bath in peace and love and balance which in turns gives you clarity to proceed with your current life.

A branch of ancient Chinese medicine, the art of Qi works great along with the western medicine to achieve the balance life we need to fully function. It literally is the best of both worlds and even the hospitals are allowing Qi therapists to aid on many different units and cases.

My goal is to provide you with the most loving, clear energy that will help you get on the healing road of recovery so that you may continue to live a wonderful balance life.

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Hypnosis Therapy

How do I want to be different? How will making this change affect my life? What inner resources will I need to access in order to accomplish this? Having made this change, how do I see, hear, feel, think, speak differently?

Ericksonian Hypnosis is a widely recognized tool for exploring realms of the unconscious mind, identifying and activating our inner resources (courage, faith, self-love, etc.),discovering new ways for resolving inner conflicts, and handling obstacles and challenges. Discover how the unconscious mind is a source of wisdom and creativity. Develop a deeply satisfying relationship with your unconscious through hypnotic explorations, techniques and learn powerful tools for tapping into this unlimited source of possibilities. 

 The benefits of hypnosis are many.
They include:

The state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention brought on by hypnosis may help us use our minds more powerfully, according to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). And harnessing the powers of the mind has inspired researchers and clinicians in various fields to explore the use of hypnosis in a number of health outcomes.
— Sarah Klein, Huffpost
  • Enjoying inner harmony and balance

  • Remaining calm during difficult times and challenging situations

  • Being more focused

  • Resolving inner conflicts

  • Enhancing your creativity and increase your artistic expression

  • Optimizing your ability to problem solve

  • Freeing yourself from unwanted habits

  • Eliminating unwanted habits

  • Falling asleep easily and having restful sleeps

  • Lowering your blood pressure

  • Being empowered

  • Developing peak performance states

  • Learning more effective ways of communicating with others

  • Age Regression and Age Progression to achieve goals

  • Pain Management

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Weight Control

  • Ending Substance Abuse

  • Addictions and Persistent Habits

Spiritual Mediumship & Tarot Readings

This session is a way to step into an amazing journey of divine

soul-discovery in the world of spirit.

A safe space, of high frequency energy and vibrations leading you a way to connect to your higher/soul self.


"Grief never ends..but it changes. It is a passage not a place to stay. Grief isn't a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.” As a medium, I have the ability to communicate with love ones in spirit and the gift of a psychic reading is the ability to connect to your energetic soul body.

My mission is to serve your best and highest good so that you see the greatness and power of the world that is right before you. Together we will uncover what, where or when the next step of your self-evolution will be.

Angel blessings brings light and love to the world and will open you up energetically to the wonderful world of hope, peace, love and motivate you to be the highest version of yourself always.

The eye in which I see God, and the eye in which God sees me is one and the same.
— Meister Eckhart

Self.ish Lifestyle Parties

Get an introduction to the Self-ish Lifestyle offerings with a party that brings you individual angel/mediumship readings.

The Self.ish Party Details:

You'll need 8 people  to have a private party specially catered to your group.  
We'll spend 3 hours inclusive to you.

Cost: $60 per person