How to TRUST your intuition in 2020

Intuition also known as godSOURCE/divine self/higher self/soulself/— the moments in your life where coincidences were vivid and at times cannot make sense. A name popped into your head and you suddenly see them by chance or receive a call from them. Or the moment you just knew to go left not right even if it didn’t make sense, or you had a dream and it came to pass.  The ‘I have an eye in the back of my head’ statement; true to all mothers. This muscle called intuition needs to be exercised and implemented as much as you exercise the physical body. But first boundaries……..

Step 1-- Take a deep breath and affirm; “I am a spiritual being having a human experience. And in this moment of stillness, I connect to the spirit within so I may experience my soul’s message.” Allow this statement and your breath to settle into your mind and truly be comfortable in this acknowledgement. Never push, force, or make things happen. 

Step 2-- Do some guided meditations and start to notice the shift from the conscious mind--critical and disruptive, originating from the head--to the language of your spirit (subtle yet secure, and uses your third eye and sensations). 

Step 3--Repeat 1 and 2 for at least two weeks; It is important that you truly have discern the difference between the conscious mind and subconscious mind. Maybe set an intention before the meditation. For example: What do I need to know right now that will serve me to my best and highest good? Once the intention is set, let go of it and continue on with your meditation and notice if there are any new sensations, changes or shifts while in stillness. Remember, it will be a subtle communication.

Step 4 -- Journal your experiences and be proactive to do the work. This is not a passive journey though it is subtle. The commitment to shifting your awareness to this quiet voice within and listening to its guidance without the critical and judgmental conscious mind is a must until it does become second nature. 

I am excited for your journey to self discovery towards trusting your intuition. There are many resources available to you; let your intuition guide you. In the meantime, feel free to browse my site and reach out if you have any questions. Remember, the purpose is always to serve you to your best and highest good and establish a safe and supportive environment both in your inner and outer world.