Mentally and emotionally burnt out?

Lessons from my impromptu 5 day solo trip away from it all in the midst of Mercury retrograde!

As a trauma and wellness expert, the pressure of having to always have it together seems to be a prerequisite in my field. But no one—I repeat—no one, has all their shit together. We may be a little better at recouping with the arsenal of techniques and resourceful information at our disposal, but we still suffer from the human condition called stress. Throw in the hyper sensitivity that comes along with being a spiritual medium; an unbalanced SELF is the result. 

The cosmic event called mercury retrograde highlights all of this by asserting its intentions of needing you to review, re-evaluate, readjust, or reflect on the past couple of months since its last visit. For me, I am suffocating under the self imposed pressure I have drowned myself in over the success of my first book. The meetings with publicists, publishers, and media demands weren’t pleasant to the insecure human. 

Honesty was the first lesson I learned through this experience. Being honest by holding myself accountable as to why, how, and when I allowed this experience to fruition. 

This is my first book, therefore I am a novice

Being HONEST with my team: My need to be handheld through this journey of publishing wasn’t truthfully expressed and is an unrealistic demand though valid. 

I am both trying to be a client (complacent) and boss (demanding) though not being assertive as both. Leaving me tethering in between roles, leaving me imbalanced, insecure, unreasonable and most certainly triggered.

This first step of vulnerable honesty was necessary for the rest of the lessons to unfold in the next 5 days. It presented me with clarity and understanding of my current situation to begin the process of overcoming my break down. There is so much more to come, stay tuned. IN the meantime, what has being brutally honest, gifted you?