Full Moon in Scorpio: The Sign of Death and Transformation 

The dark night of the soul, growing pains, or a wake up call are all factors for lasting change. It’s the necessary ingredient—a foreign element—towards transformation. 

As a coach, I wanted to reframe the term growing pains or tough love to something more positive. But the truth is, change is a painful and ugly process. It may be a change for good or bad, either way, the experience of discomfort will be felt. 

Feel it all anyway! 
Go beyond the labels:

•political views
•lifestyle choices

If the above is important, then what about it is important and valuable to you?

They are part of you but not all of you. Who are you? How do you show up with love? With strength? With honor? With respect? What are your values? 

This full moon is full of letting go as usual, but dedicated to the heart of it all—Yourself. The reflection is on you not your significant other, friends, colleagues, neighbors, kids, etc. YOU. What patterns when triggered rises for you? Is it time to replace it for a better way to proceed? Or do you want to hold on to how you’ve always handled things? How’s that working for you? What’s happening to your four bodies—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually—if you continue as you’ve always been? 

For me so much had to die to re-calibrate towards a better way to proceed. What’s your full moon like? And what is asking for you to let and release to serve you to your best and highest good?